My mother left me as a child on a number of occasions and I never realized the deep rooted pain this caused me. Nor did I realize that carrying that pain affected so many of my other behaviors and relationships.
I have worked with Johanna about my relationship with my mother.
She helped me realize the generational pain that has been passed on. I’m now in a place that when I see my mother’s number on my phone I’m looking forward to talking to her. I have been able to lean on her for help and advice.
The internal peace I feel is wonderful. I feel it spilling over into all aspects of my life. I feel more empathetic towards others and I feel like I am a better mother.
Johanna’s style of deep empathy, laughter, realism and love is truly a gift. I have sought out counselling other times in my life and was never able to get to the root of the problem or felt comfortable putting my entire story on the table.
Johanna’s approach just made it easy to feel comfortable with her and I was able to work through what I had to. I saw Johanna recently and was filling her in on my progress and laughed with her that “I’m cured” I’m truly grateful to Johanna for all her expertise.”
Jennifer R
I went to the last group session and I can honestly say that it was one of the most powerful things I have done in my entire life - and I have done a lot. Magic happens at these things and Johanna is a magic maker. I felt things that I had buried so deep I completely forgot they were there.
Johanna expertly and lovingly helped me bring these feelings to the light and I have felt so much lighter since. Before when I would try to quiet my mind would immediately go to how angry I was at my brother. I was consumed! Now I can sit quietly and drift into gratitude, my hopes, dreams and desires. Putting my energy into productive thoughts or just quiet relaxation. It was impossible for me before. I wish everyone could do this and release pent up anxiety, anger & sadness.
I HIGHLY recommend this experience. Johanna is an EXPERT and incredibly talented. Please give yourself this gift and spread the word. We are so lucky to have such a warm talented practitioner in SM! Feel free to ask me anything about my experience."
Ihsan Aldeen PhD
“With my scientific background I was very skeptical with my first session as a professional treatment method for the challenges I was facing. However, Johanna proved that it is effective from our very first session together. Her meticulous attention and efforts to gather every small piece of information I provided before the session, and then using the essential information during the session in a professional, insightful manner produced results that I felt from the first and every subsequent session. Whether you are skeptical or not – the important thing is the results! From my experience, I can speak to the positive results Johanna’s work provides.”
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for helping me understand this block and where it was coming from. I never realized how much my mental and emotional energy that I was putting out there was affecting my life, my career and my emotions. I just thought my ups and downs were normal, not realizing that I was overloaded from a lifetime of taking care of others needs and thinking I am always responsible to fix it and I had little left to go after what I wanted. Understanding has helped me feel more in control of where my life is going!!
I wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed learning from you and how life altering your guidance and this work has been.
“The optimization of human potential is served by family constellation work, particularly when the work is masterfully facilitated by Johanna Lynn. She stays focused on the energy in the room until its most relevant truths are revealed. The results are transformative.”
“I connected with you in our first session because I felt you wouldn’t be judgmental. I have a better understanding of what is deeply affecting me with only one session. Your questions are very pertinent and very helpful in discovering the root cause of issues. I really think this will help me change my life for the better and find my new light to experience more satisfaction in my life.”
“When a neurologist recommended that I take life-long medication as a possible cure to solve a sleep disorder (Sleepwalking) that I’ve always had, I decided to book a session with Johanna. After just two relaxing sessions, I no longer sleepwalk. From sleepwalking every night to sound, restful sleep, I consider that a big improvement in my life!”
“Simply one of the most powerful ways to clear patterns in your life. The pain and frustration you experience in your relationships, finances, body, career, anywhere in your life, are traced back to family wounds. This approach reveals any patterns of dysfunction so they can be resolved. I highly recommend working with Johanna for those who really want change.”
"Lost and overwhelmed after my decade-long relationship crumbled, a close friend recommended Johanna's approach.​ Her sessions weren't just therapy, she helped me untangle the emotional mess, understand the deeper issues & finally release the resentment, anger & hurt I'd been carrying for years. Johanna's ability to navigate both the raw emotions and the practicalities of divorce was just the support I needed. She empowered me to communicate effectively with my ex, ensuring our children remained a priority, however difficult the process. Co-parenting with my ex is still a work in progress, but Johanna helped us find a way to communicate that works for our kids. That's a win in my book."
Dr. Nahas,
The Seekers Centre for
Integrative Medicine
“Johanna was a member of our integrative healthcare team for a number of years.
We referred our patients to her when we suspected that their chronic physical and mental symptoms were related to mental or emotional trauma or stress.
I cannot say enough about her integrity, her professionalism, her wisdom and – most importantly – her ability to help our patients.
She is a highly skilled practitioner who brings great sensitivity and caring to her work.”
"The issue we went to Johanna for was an on-going one that we'd invested money and substantial time attempting to solve. My partner and I were very discouraged.
Within our 1st session, she was able to establish connections between several pieces of the puzzle we had never considered as relevant.
Johanna made me feel at ease and was very good at drawing out the information in a natural way.
If you've been challenged with an issue that feels hard to solve or hard to even understand... have a conversation with Johanna.
I guarantee you'll be surprised by what you find together. And once you know, you'll be able to create a plan to move forward feeling better."

“Working with Johanna was beyond my expectations. The information I learned about myself is life changing and I am forever grateful for the insights and profound healing from our work together. This is the deep work I needed to unfold family patterns.“

“From the depths of my heart, I want to thank you for yesterday‘s incredible session. I am absolutely grateful for the work that you did with me, to bring me to a place I’ve been trying to get to for 30 years.”

“I’ve had a lot of therapy and I can honestly say I don’t ever remember coming away with such an intense feeling of personal healing, understanding – and love.”

“I had just ended a relationship when I went to see Johanna. I credit her compassionate, gentle approach to the true healing and integration that I required to move forward. She was able to help me turn down the intensity of those painfully raw emotions we experience after a break-up. Our session together really and truly worked wonders for me. Johanna is amazingly gifted at her work.”

From Anger & Volatility to Calm & Peace
“I have been seen Johanna for some other aspects in my life when I started to discuss with her my relationship I was in. The relationship was so volatile and because of some underlying pain I was working through with Johanna I found myself really lashing out and getting angry very easily when feeling rejected by my partner. This led to a lot of volatility and suffering on both our part.
Working with Johanna, she could help me to have different reactions when faced with this rejection and pain. We had our session and I couldn’t believe the change I felt. The next time I got into a disagreement with my partner and he rejected me or lashed out, I didn’t feel the same in my body in any way. It wasn’t even like I felt like reacting but was internally using a coping mechanism to not react. My body did not feel like reacting with anger at all. Instead I could see the situation so clearly for what it was…whether he was feeling insecure or rejected and was reacting on it. The arguments stopped escalating and the volatility literally ended overnight. No longer was a walking away or saying things I regretted. I felt so at peace and we were able to have productive conversations about what the real issue was.
Johanna’s work is phenomenal. I was so skeptical that one session could change anything but it truly did and I couldn’t be more grateful.